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Race in Islam: A Conversation about Racial Justice in the American Ummah

Assalam Alaykum Madina Family,

In light of recent blatant racial injustices that we have seen in the United States, Madina Institute Arkansas USA is holding this workshop to educate members of our community on Islam's stance on Race and Racial Justice.

As Muslims, we are expected to stand for justice, be it against ourselves, our family members, or our friends. At the same time, it is important that we toss aside any implicit biases we may have as a result of cultural or societal influences. Islam is a religion of purity and that encompasses body, soul, and mind.

Insha'Allah, we hope that we would all leave this workshop better equipped with some knowledge required to approach matters concerning Race and Racial Justice in the Ummah. We also pray that Allah (S.W.T) gives us the ability to practicalize the steps we would learn in our lives and teach it to those around us.

Register for the workshop here.

Jazakum Allahu Khayrun,

Madina Institute Executive Board